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Bullying, stalking, sexual harrassment

Bullying, stalking, discrimination and sexual harassment are not always obvious. They are not always easy to detect and you might ask yourself if you are a victim of it or if it was just a “misunderstanding”. Often, when people reach a point where they question whether what they experienced was appropriate, this indicates that it wasn't. Visit the links below, check the definition of harassment (e.g. on the UN website) and talk to other people about what happened. Talking may help you to solve what could be a very damaging situation with a longlasting negative impact on your mental well-being.

If you witnessed a situation where someone else was treated in an inappropriate way, talk to the affected person! looking away is the worst you can do because it may increase the person's feeling of shame (which victims of violence often have).

Points of contact for support and counselling languages
Office against discrimination violence (ADE) of the University of Bremen DE, EN
Help and counselling in case of sexual harrassment offered by the city of Bremen DE
Help in case of violence against women offered by the city of Bremen DE
Counselling and support in case of violence against women offered by the state of Germany DE, EN, FR, ES, TR, RU
Psychological counselling in case of sexual harrassment offered by the city of Bremen D, EN, TR
Federal Antidiscrimination Agency - counselling and information provided by the state of Germany DE, EN
Weisser Ring - support for victims of mental and physical violence DE, EN