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Open Positions at MARUM

MARUM has developed into an internationally recognised centre for marine research with a focus on geosciences, which is anchored at the University of Bremen.

The University of Bremen is family-friendly, diverse and sees itself as an international university. We therefore welcome all applicants regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion/belief, disability, age, sexual orientation and identity.

As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply.

Disabled applicants will be given priority if their professional and personal qualifications are essentially the same.



currently no open vacancies


Postdoctoral Researchers


Postdoctoral Researcher (f/m/d) for 26 months (A240-24)
German federal salary scale EG 13 TV-L (100%)
Starting at 01.01.2025 until 28.02.2027 at the longest
within the project: "Reconstruction of the long-term development of cold-water corals
in the Southwest Pacific in the context of regional environmental conditions"
This project will build on the R/V SONNE expedition SO-309 to the SW Pacific around New Zealand in January/February 2025. During this expedition cold-water coral ecosystems on volcanic structures and along the New Zealand continental margin will be investigated. The main objectives are (a) a systematic inventory of the recent distribution and biodiversity of cold-water coral ecosystems under the influence of the prevailing environmental conditions, and (b) a reconstruction of their development under the influence of climate change in the geological past.

Deadline for applications:

Postdoctoral Research Scientist (f/m/d) (A249-24)
German federal salary scale EG 13 TV-L (100%)
limited until 31.08.2027
The research group Micropalaeontology and Palaeoceanography at MARUM invites applications for a postdoctoral position investigating the response of marine biodiversity to climate change on long time scales with the ultimate goal to use this knowledge in the design of climate-smart marine protected areas. Working within a large interdisciplinary consortium, the candidate will analyse existing compilations of microfossil abundance time series and generate new data from marine sedimentary records on Quaternary planktonic foraminifera biodiversity dynamics. The consortium in which the project is embedded includes experts in theoretical ecology, modelling and social science. It aims to advise the German federal government on the protection of marine biodiversity outside national jurisdiction. Knowledge transfer into the policy sphere is thus a key component of the project and the candidate is expected to actively contribute to this process.

Deadline for applications:

Research Associate (f/m/d) with a focus on ‘Ocean Floor Geophysics’ (A251-24)
German federal salary scale EG 14 (100%)
unlimited from the earliest possible date
The position is related to the Cluster of Excellence ‘Ocean Floor’ at the University of Bremen. Funded by the German Excellence Strategy, the Cluster quantifies exchange processes on the ocean floor and their role in the Earth system. The overarching goals of the cluster are to (i) decipher the processes that control the transport of biogenic particles to the ocean floor under changing climate conditions, (ii) balance the transfer of carbon and other elements between the ocean floor and seawater, (iii) investigate how ecosystems on the ocean floor react to environmental changes, and (iv) design scenarios for a ‘warmer-than-today world’ from climate archives on the ocean floor with the help of climate models.

Deadline for applications:

Postdoctoral Research Scientist (f/m/d) on Climate Modelling and Intercomparison (A003-24)
German federal salary scale: E13 TV-L (100%) limited until 30.06.2028
The department of Climate Modelling of the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen invites applications for a new Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in the field of Climate modelling and intercomparison. The successful candidate will be responsible for tasks related to climate model intercomparison within the TRR 181 synthesis project S3 in close cooperation with the Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability, Institute of Oceanography at the University of Hamburg (Dr. Friederike Pollmann) including frequent visits there.

Deadline for applications:

Doctoral Researchers


Doctoral Researcher (f/m/d) (A248-24)
German federal salary scale EG 13 TV-L (75%)
limited for four years from the next possible date
The position is located in the framework of the DFG-funded Transregional Collaborative Research Center TRR 181 “Energy Transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean,” project L3: “Meso-to Submesoscale Turbulence in the Ocean.”
For this project, we are seeking a doctoral researcher (f/m/d) with great interest in mathematical analysis and its implications for climate modeling. The selected applicant will work at the Institute for Dynamical Systems, which is led by Prof. Dr. Marc Keßeböhmer and Prof. Dr. Anke Pohl (both members of MARUM’s TRR181) in Faculty 3 – Mathematics at the University of Bremen. The completion of a PhD degree as part of this project is desired.

Deadline for applications:

Other positions


Engineer (f/m/d) as technical-scientific employee (A188-24)
with a focus on ‘Software Engineering’
German federal salary scale 13 TV-L (100%) limited until 31.12.2025
The job advertisement is aimed at motivated engineers with a keen interest in marine robotics for applications in marine research and who are willing to familiarise themselves with new subject areas. The field of activity will be in the broad spectrum of the development of novel autonomous underwater systems (mobile and stationary) for sustainable deep-sea observations (including sensors, actuators, navigation, communication).

Deadline for applications:

Electronics technician (f/m/d) / mechatronics technician (f/m/d) as technical employee (A207-24)
German federal salary scale 9a TV-L (100%) unlimited from 01.11.2024
The position is located in the marine technology group at MARUM, in direct cooperation with 4 experienced colleagues from the field of electrical engineering. The entire marine technology group comprises approx. 40 people from a wide range of disciplines and carries out the operational use of the institute's own diving robots/drilling equipment on deep-sea expeditions as part of MARUM's scientific objectives. Due to the complex and broad field of activity, a long-term and extensive training programme is planned (see "Training on the Job").

Deadline for applications:

Job Opportunities at Associated Institutions