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MARUM Research Award for Marine Science

The MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen awarded the MARUM Research Prize for Marine Sciences annually until 2022. This prize was awarded for outstanding master's (until 2017) or doctoral theses written by young marine scientists at the University of Bremen in the last two years. The prize money of up to € 3,000, which could be split, was to be used as a scholarship and should benefit the scientific goals of the award winner.

Logo MARUM Forschungspreis

The MARUM Research Award for Marine Science was awarded in cooperation with ›Freun­de und För­de­rer des MARUM – Zen­trum für Ma­ri­ne Um­welt­wis­sen­schaf­ten der Uni­ver­si­tät Bre­men e.V. (MARUM-Freunde).

Awardees 2022

Aagje Eysink

Dissertation The transition from stable to slow to fast earthquake slip on faults: the influence of surface morphology, fault normal stiffness and lithology 

Sina Schorn

Dissertation Microbial activities and interactions in anoxic methane-rich environments

Miriam Seifert

Dissertation Sensitivity of phytoplankton to climate change: Direct and interactive effects of CO2 on primary production and community composition


The three winners of the MARUM Research Award: Aagje Eijsink, Miriam Seifert and Sina Schorn (from left). Photos: David Kubarek (l)/Heide Matz, AWI (m)/ Latest Thinking/Sebastian Neumann (r).
The three winners of the MARUM Research Award: Aagje Eijsink, Miriam Seifert and Sina Schorn (from left). Photos: David Kubarek (l)/Heide Matz, AWI (m)/ Latest Thinking/Sebastian Neumann (r).

Awardee 2021

Clarissa Karthäuser Dissertation Sinking particles control fixed nitrogen-loss from the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone


Dr. Clarissa Karthäuser is the winner of the MARUM Research Award 2021. Photo: private
Dr. Clarissa Karthäuser is awarded with the MARUM Research Award 2021. Photo: private

Awardee 2020

Mattia Greco Dissertation Constraining the ecological niche of planktonic foraminifera in the Arctic
Dr. Mattia Greco has received the MARUM Research Award 2020 for his dissertation. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
Dr. Mattia Greco has received the MARUM Research Award 2020 for his dissertation. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Awardees 2019

Elmar Albers Dissertation Mass transfers during fluid-rock interactions at divergent and convergent plate boundaries
Clara Flintrop Dissertation From microstructures to macroscale carbon export – influences of marine snow composition on settling velocity and microbial colonization
Katharina Kitzinger Dissertation Metabolic Versatility of Nitrifiers Playing a Key Role in Global Nitrogen Cycling
Alexander Rösner                                
Dissertation Frictional properties and deformation processes in the Nankai Trough accretionary complex offshore Japan


Clara Flintrop, Alexander Rösner, Katharina Kitzinger and Elmar Albers (from left) have received this year's MARUM den MARUM Research Award.
Clara Flintrop, Alexander Rösner, Katharina Kitzinger and Elmar Albers (from left) are the awardees for this year's MARUM den MARUM Research Award. Photo: private, MPI

Awardees 2018

Dissertation Biocatalytic quantification of laminarin – a major carbohydrate polymer in the Ocean
Dissertation A novel mechanism for the anaerobic degradation of non-methane hydrocarbons in archaea
Maximilian Vahlenkamp Dissertation Middle Eocene Paleoceanography and Astrochronology in the Western North Atlantic
Maximilian Vahlenkamp, Rafael Laso Pérez and Stefan Becker (from left) have received this year's MARUM Research Award. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp
Maximilian Vahlenkamp, Rafael Laso Pérez and Stefan Becker (from left) have received this year's MARUM Research Award. Photo: MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen; V. Diekamp

Awardees 2017

Kerstin Kretschmer Dissertation „Glo­bal as­sess­ment of spe­cies-spe­ci­fic ha­bi­tats of plank­to­nic fo­ra­mi­ni­fe­ra – An eco­sys­tem mo­de­ling ap­proach“
Clara Martínez-Pérez Dissertation „Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of do­mi­nant ma­ri­ne diaz­o­tro­phs and their im­pact on ocea­nic N2 fixa­ti­on”
Maren Elisabeth Richter Master Thesis „Fram Strait re­cir­cu­la­ti­on and the East Green­land Cur­rent: Spa­ti­al struc­tu­re north of 79°N”
Lucy Schlicht Master Thesis „Al­te­ra­ti­on of the oce­an crust in a low‐tem­pe­ra­tu­re ridge flank hydro­ther­mal sys­tem: Im­pli­ca­ti­ons from B, Li and Sr iso­topes”


Awardees 2017: Clara Martínez-Pérez (left) and Maren Elisabeth Richter
Awardees 2017: Clara Martínez-Pérez (left) and Maren Elisabeth Richter

Awardees 2016

Soeren Ahmerkamp Dissertation "Regulation of oxygen dynamics by transport processes and microbial respiration in sandy sediments"
Nadine Smit Master Thesis "Geochemical characterization of asphalt deposits in the Campeche Bay (southern Gulf of Mexico) - Insights in the persistence of heavy oil in the marine environment"


Awardees 2016: Nadine Smit and Soeren Ahmerkamp
Awardees 2016: Nadine Smit and Soeren Ahmerkamp

Awardees 2015

Felix EllingDissertation„Factors controlling the lipid composition in marine planktonic Thaumarchaeota“
Ferdinand OberleDissertation„Quantifying the long-term anthropogenic and natural effects of sediment resuspension on the NW Iberian shelf"
Tom Langbehn Master Thesis„Feeding success in an extreme light environment: modelling seasonal prey encounter of Arctic fish“
Nils Raedecker Master Thesis"The role of nitrogen cycling in coral holobiont functioning"

Felix Elling

Tom Langbehn

Ferdinand Oberle

Nils Raedecker


Awardees 2014

Johann Klages Dissertation„Late Quaternary West Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics: Remote sensing and substrate studies of palaeo-ice sheet beds on the Amundsen Sea shelf“
Gopika SureshDissertation„Offshore oil seepage from space: A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) based automatic detection, mapping and quantification system"
Agnes Weiner Dissertation„Genetic diversity, biogeography and the morpho-genetic relationship in extant planktonic foraminifera“

Awardees 2014: Johann Klages, Gopika Suresh, and Agnes Weiner (from left to right)


Awardees 2013

Nadine GoldensteinMaster Thesis„Microbial ecology in deep sea hydrothermal vent systems: A novel approach for lipid biomarker studies on hydrothermal sulfide deposits“
Tobias Kulgemeyer Master Thesis„Distribution of Magnetic Minerals in the Bay of Plenty“
Yann MarconDissertation„Seabed fluid flow-related processes, evidence and quantification based on high-resolution imaging techniques and GIS analyses“
Ines Voigt Dissertation„Ocean circulation variability in the western South Atlantic during the Holocene“

Awardees 2013: Tobias Kulgemeyer, Dr. Ines Voigt, Nadine Goldenstein, and Dr. Yann Marcon (from left to right)


Awardees 2012

Antje Lehnhardt Master Thesis„The link between slope architecture and sediment transport processes off-shore Galicia, NW Spain - Revealed from high resolution seismo-acoustics“
Anne SeidenglanzMaster Thesis„Oceanic Responses to the Gleissberg and de Vries Solar Cycles in a Comprehensive Climate Model“
Matthias KellermannDissertation„Lipid biomolecules reveal patterns of microbial metabolism in extreme environments“
Awardsees 2012

from left to right: Anne Seidenglanz, Antje Lehnhardt


Awardees 2011

Sebastian Bernd HammerschmidtMaster Thesis„Triggering Mechanisms for Temperature and Fluid Pressure Transients in a Borehole Observatory: A Case Study from the Nankai Trough, Japan“
Bernhard David Adriaan Naafs Dissertation„Long-term evolution of (millennial-scale) climate variability in the North Atlantic over the last four million years“
James Collins Dissertation„Glacial to Holocene Hydroclimatein Western Africa: Insights from Organic and Major-Element Geochemistry of Hemipelagic Atlantic Ocean Sediments“
Awardees 2011

from left to right: Sebastian Hammerschmidt, Bernhard Naafs, James Collins


Awardees 2010

Antje Funcke Master Thesis„Impact of Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations on calcification in the benthic foraminifer Ammonia tepida“
Eva Kwoll Master Thesis„Evaluation of the Tauranga Harbour numerical model“
Tobias GoldhammerDissertation„Isotope insights into the phosphorus cycle of marine sediments“
Awardees 2010

from left to right: Eva Kwoll , Tobias Goldhammer, Antje Funcke


Awardees 2009

Morten Hvitfeldt Iversen Dissertation„Carbon turnover in sinking particles in the marine environment“
Stephan A. Klapp Dissertation„Natural Gas Hydrates – from the Microstructure towards a Geological Understanding“
Julio Sepúlveda Dissertation„Ecological and environmental consequences of the Oceanic Anoxic Events and the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event: a molecular-isotopic approach“
Awardees 2009

from left to right: Stephan Klapp, Morten Iversen


Awardees 2008

Vera Bender Master Thesis„Evolution of the Galicia Mud Belt (NW Iberia) from Sediment Cores and Sediment Acoustic Profiles“
Matthias KellermannMaster Thesis„Lipid Biomarkers of Thiotrophic and Methanotrophic Symbionts in different Bathymodiolus mussel species: Chemical and Isotopic Analysis“
Christiano M. Chiessi Dissertation„Ocean circulation and climate variability in the western South Atlantic and eastern South America during the last deglaciation“
Catalina GonzálezDissertation„Tropical vegetation and climate related to Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles and Heinrich events:high resolution palynological study of environmental change in northern South America during Marine Isotope Stage 3“
Julius Lipp Dissertation„Intact membrane lipids as tracers for microbial life in the marine deep biosphere“

Awardees 2007

Nicole Meyer Master Thesis„Experimental study of individual current-generated bedforms under unidirectional flow“
Ingo Kock Dissertation„Deformation and micromechanics of granular materials in shear zones – investigated with the Discrete Element Method“
Daniel WinkelmannDissertation„Sediment Dynamics of Megaslides along the Svalbard continental Margin and the Relation to paleoenvironmental Changes and Climate History“

Awardees 2006

Yanzhe FuMaster Thesis“Rock magnetic identification and geochemical process model of greigite formation in Quaternary marine sediments from the Gulf of Mexico (IODP Hole U1319A)“
Florence Schubotz Master Thesis„Investigation of intact polar lipids of bacteria isolated from the deep marine subsurface“
Maik Inthorn Dissertation„Lateral particle transport in nepheloid layers – a key factor for organic matter distribution and quality in the Benguela high-productivity area“

Awardees 2005

Feng Ding Diploma Thesis„A study on seismic signatures and the sediment faulting history in a hydrothermally active area, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge“
Natascha Riedinger Dissertation„Preservation and diagenetic overprint of geochemical and geophysical signals in ocean margin sediments related to depositional dynamics“
Snježana Žarić Dissertation„Seasonal variability of planktic foraminiferal downward fluxes induced by environmental sensitivity of foraminiferal species – from observation to prediction“

Awardees 2004

Vanessa Lüer Diploma Thesis“Quaternary Radiolarians from offshore Eastern New Zealand, Southwestern Pacific (ODP Leg 181, Site 1123): importance for correlation and identification of climatic changes”
Ismene Seeberg-Elverfeldt Dissertation“Laminated diatomaceous sediments of the Red Sea, their composition and significance as recorders of abrupt changes in productivity and circulation during the Late Quaternary”

Awardees 2003

Martin Heesemann Diploma Thesis„Modeling and analysis of transient pressure measurements in ODP boreholes for undisturbed formation pressure estimation“
Iris Wilke Diploma Thesis„Stabile Isotope des gelösten anorganischen Kohlenstoffs (δ13C∑CO2) im westlichen Südatlantik“
Gesine MollenhauerDissertation„Organic carbon accumulation in the South Atlantic Ocean: Sedimentary processes and glacial/interglacial budgets“