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GLO­MAR Monthly Re­search Sem­inar

Engagement of GLO­MAR mem­bers in sci­entific and en­vir­on­mental or­gan­isa­tions and pro­jects


3 May 2021 (Monday!) 13.00 - 14.30 online via Zoom


Engagement in scientific or environmental organisations or projects that are not (directly) related to the own PhD project can be a means of building a network, setting sail for future career paths and (also important!) a rewarding distraction from academia.

In this seminar, GLOMAR members will introduce organisations and/or projects they are involved in.


Eva Bischof, Lina Madaj, Neele Meyer climactivity
Sofia Barragán Montilla GeoLatinas
Christoph Witt EAGE student chapter Bremen