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GLO­MAR Monthly Re­search Sem­inar

Topic of the month:

Coping with challenges during the PhD phase


30 August 2019 13.00 - 14.30 MARUM I, room 2060
Moderator: Dr. Alice Lefebvre, Postdoc at MARUM (see PDF for more information)

Doing a PhD is a demanding endeavour and there are some challenges that you are most certainly going to face. The PhD term usually starts with a high level of motivation but the majority of PhD students goes through phases with drawbacks and frustration.

Some of the potential challenges are, for example, time pressure and stress, isolation, conflict with your supervisor, communication issues with your co-authors, delay in acquiring suitable data, funding issues, a lack of free time / relaxation, concerns about your future, and motivational problems.

It can be of great help to realise that similar challenges are frequently experienced and it is possible to overcome them! Some people say that it hasn’t been a proper doctorate if you haven’t had the feeling you wanted to quit at least once during your PhD term ;-)

In this seminar, you will have the opportunity to discuss your challenges and share strategies to cope.

(Please note that the focus will not be so much on self- and time management issues since this will be the topic of the research seminar in September)