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Research stay at UQÀM (LM)

April 22nd - June 13th 2019, Montreal, Canada

I spent two month (April – June) at Geotop – UQÀM in Montréal to conduct X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and obtain the mineral composition of the sediment samples included in my PhD project. The data adds supporting background information to my already obtained isotopic data which is crucial for any further interpretation. The analysis has been done under the supervision of Michel Preda, who has a long record of experience in this field. Apart from learning this new method and producing additional data, I also had the chance to discuss my current and newly obtained results and future project plans with my Canadian project partner.

Through this research stay I had the opportunity to spend some time outside my usual office and lab surroundings. I was able to regain some focus on topics that I had not focused on efficiently enough before, as some aspects sometimes get “buried” with other as important tasks.

This time in a different work environment gave me the opportunity, to step back and discover these neglected aspects. I also had the chance to get some insights into another university / research institute as well as to participate in seminars that broadened my knowledge in an interdisciplinary field connected to my research area.
Besides these additional benefits, the main purpose of this research stay was to learn a new analytical method and produce further supporting data to my already existing data. The huge advantage was that my assigned supervisor Michel Preda had a lot of knowledge and experience in this field and always time for me to answer all my questions. I was able to do all the sample preparation myself and assist with the measurements of the samples to follow the entire progress.
To me this time at Geotop - UQÀM was a very motivational episode of my PhD, with lots of new insights and contacts. I am thankful that through ArcTrain I was given this opportunity to spend some time at a different university and would not have wanted to miss it. I also want to thank Claude Hillaire-Marcel and Michel Preda for inviting me and making time for me and sharing their decades of experience with me.

Lina Madaj