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Research stay at New Brunswick University (DY)

July 30th - August 21st 2022, Fredericton, Canada

From 30th July to 21st August this year, I had a three-week short research stay at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. Although it was a short-term stay, it was a very helpful and impressive experience for me.

I was working with my Canadian supervisor Prof. Dr. Audrey Limoges at the Department of Earth Sciences, who is a specialist in micropaleontology. During my research stay, I had to finish some benthic and planktic foraminifera counting and identification first, which I haven’t finished in AWI (I love the nice microscope in Audrey’s lab!!).

These foraminifera data combined with biomarker data that I already have will be used for my second manuscript, which aims to reconstruct sea ice conditions, sea surface temperatures, meltwater discharge, and changes in water masses in the eastern Labrador Sea since the last 50 ka.
I finished all the foraminifera work in the early second week during my research stay and got some preliminary results of foraminifera data. I had some detailed discussions with Audrey about my records in the following two weeks, and I learned a lot about foraminifera data analysis and what we should consider or avoid when we analyze these data. More reference work has to be done when I return to AWI.
I appreciate that AtcTrain provides the opportunity for me to have a research stay in Canada, which expands my knowledge and experience and contributes to my PhD project. I also appreciate Prof. Dr. Audrey Limoges’s help and concern in my study very much. It is a wonderful experience and memory to work with Audrey and have a stay in “tropical Canada”.

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