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Dinoflagellate cyst ecology

To obtain information about the (palaeo-)ecology of cyst forming dinoflagellates the following research activities are carried out:

Culturing dinoflagellate cysts under controlled environmental conditions:
Cyst production and morphology is studied in relationship to changing environmental conditions

Seasonal production of dinoflagellate cysts in natural settings
The seasonal cyst production is being studied on sediment trap material collected off Cape Blanc (NW Africa).

Modern cyst distribution in relationship to environmental conditions in the upper water column
Although there generallities the reaction of cyst production of species can be different in different regions. As a result, for adequate use in palaeo-environmental, oceanographic and climatic studies a detailed tuning of the region specific cyst association to local environmental upper water conditions and bottom water oxygen concentrations is required.

International consortium: Atlas of Dinoflagellate cyst distribution


Karin A.F. Zonneveld, Fabienne Marret, Gerard J.M. Versteegh, Kara Bogus, Sophie Bonnet, Ilham Bouimetarhan, Erica Crouch, Anne de Vernal, Rehab Elshanawany, Lucy Edwards, Oliver Esper, Sven Forke, Kari Grøsfjeld, Maryse Henry, Ulrike Holzwarth, Jean-François Kielt, So-Young Kim, Stéphanie Ladouceur, David Ledu, Liang Chen, Audrey Limoges, Laurent Londeix, S.-H Lu, Magdy S. Mahmoud, Gianluca Marino, Kazumi Matsouka, Jens Matthiessen, D.C. Mildenhal, Peta Mudie, H.L. Neil, Vera Pospelova, Yuzao Qi, Taoufik Radi, Thomas Richerol, André Rochon, Francesca Sangiorgi, Sandrine Solignac, Jean-Louis Turon, Thomas Verleye, Yan Wang, Zhaohui Wang, Marty Young.

Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distribution based on 2405 datapoints. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 191 (2013), 1 -197.


Karin A.F. Zonneveld, Fabienne Marret, Gerard J.M. Versteegh, Kara Bogus, Sophie Bonnet, Ilham Bouimetarhan, Erica Crouch, Anne de Vernal, Rehab Elshanawany, Lucy Edwards, Oliver Esper, Sven Forke, Kari Grøsfjeld, Maryse Henry, Ulrike Holzwarth, Jean-François Kielt, So-Young Kim, Stéphanie Ladouceur, David Ledu, Liang Chen, Audrey Limoges, Laurent Londeix, S.-H Lu, Magdy S. Mahmoud, Gianluca Marino, Kazumi Matsouka, Jens Matthiessen, D.C. Mildenhal, Peta Mudie, H.L. Neil, Vera Pospelova, Yuzao Qi, Taoufik Radi, Thomas Richerol, André Rochon, Francesca Sangiorgi, Sandrine Solignac, Jean-Louis Turon, Thomas Verleye, Yan Wang, Zhaohui Wang, Marty Young (2013).
Atlas of dinoflagellate cyst distribution based on 2405 datapoints. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 191, 1 -197.

Verleye T.J., Mertens K.N., Young M.D., Dale B., Esper O., Holzwarth U., McMinn A., Scott L., Vink A., Zonneveld K.A.F. and Louwye S. (2012). Average process length variation of the marine dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium centrocarpum in the Southern Hemisphere: assessing its potential as a palaeosalinity proxy. Marine Micropalaeontology 86-86: 45-58.

Zonneveld, K. A. F., Susek E. and Fischer G. (2010). Interannual and seasonal variability of the organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst production in the coastal upwelling region off Cape Blanc (Mauritania). Journal of Phycology 46, 1: 202 – 215.

Elshanawany, R., Zonneveld, K.A.F., Ibrahim, M.I. and Kholeif, S.E.A. (2010). Distribution patterns of recent organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in relation to environmental parameters in the Mediterranean Sea. Palynology 34, 2: 233 - 260.

Zonneveld, K.A.F., Chen, L., Möbius, J. and Mahmoud, M.S. (2009). Environmental significance of dinoflagellate cysts from the proximal part of the Po-river discharge plume (off southern Italy, Eastern Mediterranean). Journal of Sea Research 62, 189-213.

Bouimetarhan, I., Marret, F., Dupont, L. and Zonneveld, K.A.F. (2009). Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in marine surface sediments off West Africa (17 – 6°N) in relation to sea-surface conditions, freshwater input and seasonal coastal upwelling. Marine micropaleontology 71: 113-130.

Mertens, K, Ribeiro, S., Bouimatarhan, I., Caner, H., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Dale, B., De Vernal, A., Ellegaard, M., Filipova, M., Godhe, A., Goubert, E., Grøsfjeld, K., Holzwarth, U., Kotthoff, U., Leroy, S.A.G., Londeix, L., Marret, F., Matsuoka, K., Mudie, P.J., Naudts, L., Peña-Manjarrez, J-L., Persson, A., Popescu, S-M., Pospelova, V., Sangiorgi, F., van der Meer, T.J., Vink, A., Zonneveld, K.A.F., Vercauteren, D., Vlassenbroeck, J., Louwye, S. (2009). Process length variation in cysts of a dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium machaerophorum, in surface sediments and its potential use as a salinity proxy. Marine Micropalaeontology 70, 54 - 69.

PhD projects

former projects:

Ewa Susek (2002 - 2005) University of Bremen. Theme: Dinoflagellates as a proxy in palaeoceanography: production and preservation potential in field studies and culturing experiments. Promotion September 2005. Current position, Teacher at gymnasium in London, UK.

Current BsC projects

Tijmen van Loon* (University of Utrecht). Transport and seasonal production of organic-dinoflagellate cysts in the upwelling area off NW Africa during the time intervall: July - December 2011.

Onno Keller* (University of Utrecht). Transport and seasonal production of organic-dinoflagellate cysts in the upwelling area off NW Africa during the time intervall: Januar - June 2011.

Matthias Baum* (Universität Bremen). Säsonale Produktion organisch-wandige dinoflagellatenzysten off Northwest Africa.