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FlowDEB - Flow Dy­nam­ics over Es­tu­ar­ine Bed­forms (2023-2026), a DFG-financed project (Pro­ject num­ber 504378711) in collaboration with DFG. Kevin Bobiles will measure and model flow above estuarine shape dunes.
For this project, I am Kevin's supervisor.

MODULLES, Modelling of marine dunes: local and large-scale evolutions in an OWF context (2021-2024). A large collaborative project financed through France Energy Marine to model physically and numerically the impact of marine dunes on offshore wind farms (OWF), based on the planned OWF offshore Dunkirik.
I am the scientific coordinator of the project, I co-supervise a PhD thesis and lead workpackage 3 on large-scale modelling.

Trans­port and de­pos­ition of sed­i­ment and bio­genic particles along and across con­tin­ental mar­gins. As part of the excellence cluster in the receiver theme, I am investigating the trans­port of sed­i­ment and bio­genic particles by ocean­o­graphic pro­cesses along and across con­tin­ental mar­gins, their de­pos­ition on the shelves and slopes, and the in­ter­ac­tion between biogeo­chem­ical cycles and sed­i­ment prop­er­ties in a mul­tidiscip­lin­ary ap­proach.