

Explore Science returns to Bremen

“Climate and Environment” is the topic of this year’s Explore Science. The Registration for workshops and competitions is now open.


Researching Heat Waves in the Mediterranean with the Diving Community

New citizen science project "BlueDOT" aims to close data gap. It is coordinated at MARUM. 


The dawn of the Antarctic ice sheets

For the first time, the recovery of unique geological samples combined with sophisticated modelling provides surprising insights into when and where ...


Scientific Commission of the German Council of Science and Humanities visits MARUM

On July 3, the universities in the state of Bremen received the members of the Scientific Commission of the German Council of Science and Humanities at ...


Study of the Jøtul hydrothermal field, discovered in 2022, has now been published

Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard.


New publication on the reconstruction of the intertropical convergence zone

The PNAS-study investigated how the low-pressure trough near the equator has changed over the past 30,000 years. 



05.09.24 – 07.09.24, Bürgerpark Bremen

Explore Science 2024

Topic: Climate and environment

MARUM and MARUM UNISchullabor are once again taking part with workshops and hands-on stations in Bremen's Bürgerpark.



Cen­ter for Deep-Sea Re­search

Con­struc­tion work for the Cen­ter for Deep-Sea Re­search (ZfT) began in Feb­ru­ary 2021. Fundamental processes in the deep sea are to be investigated at the ZfT. Or­gan­iz­a­tion­ally, the ZfT will be loc­ated un­der the um­brella of the Re­search Fac­ulty MARUM.

Our col­league Volker Diekamp con­tinu­ously doc­u­ments the con­struc­tion pro­gress of the Cen­ter for Deep-Sea Re­search (ZfT) with his cam­era.

Deep Sea Moments

MARUM's Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) are in use in the oceans worldwide. On their way into the deep sea and at the bottom of the oceans, the researchers discover unique habitats with the help of the robots, encounter their inhabitants and experience very special Deep-Sea Moments again and again on their expeditions.

All Deep Sea Moments

Cold Seeps in the Arabian Sea

Deep Sea Moments No. 8

At a rate of 3-5 cm per year, the Arabian Plate is drifting northwards in the northern Arabian Sea and pushing itself under the Eurasian Plate. As a result of this plate collision zone, there are numerous cold springs, so-called seeps, on the Pakistani continental margin, which are formed differently depending on water depth and fluid flow. The deepest point of seeps to date is at a water depth of 2,870 m, where methane bubbles emerge from the seabed and isolated bearded worms and chemoautotrophic mussels settle on the seabed.

At a depth of 1,000 m, the seawater is quite low in oxygen, so that larger organisms are absent, but white and reddish bacterial mats and smaller bristle worms colonize the methane seeps. At a water depth of 1,650 m, on the other hand, there are large populations of mussels, which can absorb higher methane levels from the surrounding water via bacteria in their gills. They live in symbiosis with the methane-digesting bacteria and serve as food for large populations of crabs.