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Process interactions in modern and ancient coastal sedimentary systems

Jan 11, 2021, 13:15 Uhr
MARUM Research Seminar
via Zoom

Marcello Gugliotta

Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen

Dur­ing the lim­ited mode of op­er­a­tion due to corona, the lec­tures are held vir­tu­ally via Zoom. Please re­gister by con­tact­ing Maximilian Vahlenkamp ([Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]) to re­ceive the ac­cess link.

The area of coastal rivers with a combination of fluvial, tidal and wave processes is known as the fluvial to marine transition zone (FMTZ) and can extend up to several hundreds of kilometers upstream of the river mouth of estuaries and deltas. This area is characterized by a complex process dynamic, which results in a wide range of sedimentary facies, depositional architectures and sub-environments. In this talk, I will show case studies of mixed-energy coastal systems from the Jurassic of Argentina to the Holocene and present-day of Southeast Asia, highlighting their complexity, recent findings and challenges.

Marcello Gugliotta
Marcello Gugliotta