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DFG-Heisenberg-Group "Archaeal Life in the Ocean"

In the Marine Archaea Group we are interested in the physiology, ecology, biochemistry and biogeochemistry of a widely distributed and highly abundant phylogenetic group of microorganisms, the Archaea. Members of the phylogenetic domain Archaea occur in various marine habitats and catalyze essential reactions in the marine nutrient cycles. With our research group with strong expertise in Marine Microbiology and Biogeochemistry we apply comprehensive approaches combining the cultivation of marine archaea with state-of-the-art geochemical and molecular biological methods in order to understand the role of archaea in the marine environment. We are associated with the Organic Geochemistry Group of Prof. Kai-Uwe Hinrichs at the MARUM and collabarate closely with well-established local (Univeristy of Bremen and the MPI for Marine Microbiology) and international (e.g. University of Vienna, University of Washington, Harvard University) research groups.
The independent group was established in 2016 and is financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft via a DFG-Heisenberg Fellowship awarded to Martin Könneke.
Team Kultivieren mit Tiefgang, Berlin, March 2019
Water crew on MS Merian (Nov 2018): from left Marcus, Charlotte, Martin, Sandra, and Frederik
Water crew on MS Merian (Nov 2018): from left Marcus, Charlotte, Martin, Sandra, and Frederik
Copyright: M. Könneke
Link to expedition's log: https://www.marum.de/Entdecken/Logbuch-MSM.html


    • May 2020: Travis study on the C- and P-cycling of N. maritimus is published in Science Advances https://www.marum.de/Entdecken/Marines-Abfallmanagement-Effizientes-Recycling-durch-marine-Mikroorganismen.html
    • December 2019: Lisa (re)jointed the group to support the coordination of the BMBF project MultiKulti
    • November 2019: The BMBF culture challenge project started; kickoff work shop will be on 5. December in Essen (hosted by Alex Probst)
    • September 2019: Anna succesfully defended her Master project on AOA in Green Compost
    • March 2019: Martin and the team Kultivieren mit Tiefgang won 1st place of the Culture Challenge workshop, organized by the BMBF.
    • Februar 2019: Charlotte joined the group working on C-assimilation and lipid biosynthesis of planktonic archaea
    • November 2018: Sandra, Charlotte and Martin on expedition with MS Merian (MSM79) to the Atlantic (NW Africa)