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Marine Geotechnics Lab

Ring Shear Apparatus


Ring shear apparatus (25MPa normal stress) to determine frictional behaviour, peak and residual shear strength and pore-pressure changes of marine sediments


Dynamic Triaxial Testing


Hydraulic load apparatus to simulate fluctuating three-dimensional stress conditions



Heated Direct Shear


Sim­u­lates fric­tional slid­ing of fault rocks down to PT re­gimes equi­val­ent to the seis­mo­genic zone


Direct Shear Apparatus


The Marine Geotechnics laboratory at MARUM is equipped with three Giesa single-direct shear apparatuses.


Vane Shear

Applicable during research cruises and in the lab, the vane shear apparatus  is a fast and easy way to determine a first approximation of the undrained shear strength of sediments


Fall Cone Penetrometer


First-order estimate of sediment's stiffness




We use a number of Oedometers to investigate the soil's consolidation in a geotechnical sense.

More information is available via Prof. Tobias Mörz (more)


Heated Uniaxial Apparatus


The al­ter­a­tion of mech­an­ical prop­er­ties such as per­meab­il­ity, void ra­tio and poros­ity can be de­term­ined by the change of de­form­a­tion and pore wa­ter pres­sure throughout the tests.




Several backpressured permeameter systems, spanning from 800 kPa to 3.5 MPa confining pressure, are available for hydraulic testing in the MARUM geotechnical laboratory.

Helium Gas Pycnometer


A gas pycnometer is a laboratory device used for measuring the density or, more accurately, the volume of solids
