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Research Unit REACTOR

The re­ac­tions that trans­form car­bon and other ele­ments at and within the ocean floor likely have a crit­ical im­pact on Earth-sys­tem pro­cesses, but they are in­com­pletely un­der­stood.

The RE­ACTOR team will gen­er­ate a new level of un­der­stand­ing of geo­sphere-bio­sphere in­ter­ac­tions in ocean-floor re­ac­tions and their global im­pact. We will elu­cid­ate and dis­sect key pro­cesses and their in­ter­play with bio­lo­gical com­munit­ies in a wide range of ocean-floor set­tings and hab­it­ats.

These aims make es­sen­tial con­tri­bu­tions to the Cluster’s over­arch­ing ob­ject­ive of de­term­in­ing the budgets of car­bon and other ele­ments across the ocean ­floor in­ter­face.

Dez 1, 2020

Expedition in the Mediterranean (SO278)

During the recent expedition with RV Sonne (SO278) fluid and rock in­vest­ig­a­tions associated with spe­cific fluid and gas dis­charge areas at the sea ...

Dec 1, 2020

New database on hydrothermal solutions

MARHYS (MARine HYdrothermal Solutions) Database: A Global Compilation of Marine Hydrothermal Vent Fluid, End Member and Seawater Compositions

Dez 1, 2020

Recent publications of the REACTOR team

Recent publications funded predominantly by the Cluster of Excellence.
