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Projekte / Projects

  • Vibro CPTu FKZ 0325906A - Verbundprojekt (mehr...)
  • CPT Teststand FKZ 0325407B - Verbundprojekt (mehr...)
  • INTERCOAST IC28 (mehr...)
  • SD2 - Climatic control on large-scale sedimentary structures(mehr...)
  • Projekt CCP2_The impact of sea-level variations on shelf-slope systems
  • Ur-Ems (mehr...)
  • Antarctic Research: MO 159/1 1-3
    In the context of ODP Leg 178.
  • MARUM Project D4
    Acquisition of additional MARUM funding was successful in the frame of project D4 “Geotechnical and geophysical seabed characterization in use-assigned near shore areas”. 2005-2009
  • Antarctic Research: Hepp & Mörz
    In the context of ODP Leg 178.
  • East Harbor : MARUM & bremenports
    In the context of the harbor redesign, Bremerhaven
  • Landfill Site “Edewecht”: MARUM & hansewasser
    Special soil investigation program during two field campaigns.
  • Reimbursement from ODP sampling party support
  • GOST (Geotechnical Offshore Seabed Tool): MARUM & FB04 & Industry (mehr...)
    GOST is an innovative geotechnical tool to characterize the soils by means of push in tools e.g. cone penetration testing CPTu. Primary focuses are offshore site investigations but the modular power system works also onshore when the system is mounted on a truck. GOST is operated from the seafloor and powered and controlled by standard single wire coax cable. During offshore surveys the robotic tool is just lifted from the seafloor to be moved to the next site – so for many days the tool can stay underwater without the need of full recovery leading to a large number of survey spots per ship day. GOST is handling straight and coiled rod of any desirable diameter. So far we use a 5 cm2 digital subtraction cone with differential pore pressure system on a 2 cm rod. GOST can be run from almost any platform that can handle the modular adjustable deadweight due to its compact size, energy efficiency and simple coax wire. The strong hydraulic drive in combination with the 5 cm2 cone is designed to overcome 70 MPa of soil resistance. The fully automated versatile unit is addressing any type of subsurface exploration activity. The depth limit in the coiled rod mode is in the range of 15 meters.
  • Acquisition of private money in the context of setting up a private spin-off company
    This enterprise is kindly supported by Unit-transfer (and related University internal institutions) and the Bremen investment fond. Main goals are:
    - to offer an attractive possibility to keep high potential in the reach of the campus
    - Expansion of geotechnical know-how and man power in times of limited public money
    - to be part of the great technical and financial lucrative challenge of collecting offshore wind energy
  • In house funding / University Bremen and MARUM
    e.g. incentive money for successful proposals and additional internal MARUM “unforeseen” funding
  • Personal Acquisition of laboratory equipment
    In addition to monetary funding, a complete rock mechanic laboratory was personally acquired and transferred to the University of Bremen to get experimental soil mechanic work started. When the two neighboring working groups Marine Geotechnics and Marine Engineering Geology started in the end of 2003 we were not able to rely on any pre-existing laboratory structure or equipment and the starting money for investments was much too small for a commercial acquisition of all the equipment (even basic) to start with. The equipment acquired included, oedometer load frames, simple shear boxes, a complete triaxial loading frame and cells etc…
    Additional equipment was supplied free of charge after the liquidation of my formerly co-owned sensor company (LOGGION AG).
    Other equipment is in permanent loan from befriended national institutions and departments that were less successful in maintaining their status in times of reduced public funding (e.g. a viscosimeter, fall cone penetrometer etc…).
  • Set up of the unique MARUM dynamic triaxial testing unit(mehr...)
    In cooperation with the AG Kopf, I have invented and supervised the design and implementation of a hydraulic load frame for cyclic and dynamic soil testing. This unit is used in applied (construction/soil interaction) and fundamental research (earthquake and slope failure). Starting in 2007 two industry financed studies of offshore windpower soils have been completed mainly based testing on testing results of the MARUM dynamic triaxial testing unit. Investment into the machine and software (incl. industry sponsored components) is so far in the range of 120 000,-EUR. The ability to operate leading edge equipment is a key requirement to participate in upcoming funding opportunities focusing on wind energy research. Soil testing under dynamic loading ideally blends the two worlds of Geosciences and Engineering.
  • Participation in the State funded pilot test field research
    Together with the AG Kopf, the MARUM research center is actively instrumenting Germany’s first real Offshore Windpower plants (wind park alpha ventus) with sensing equipment dedicated to record structure/soil interactions under dynamic loading from wind and waves.