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CT analyses

Computed tomography (CT) is commonly used in geosciences for the visualisation of sedimentary structures, bioturbation traces, bioerosion traces, fossil microstructure, pore networks, etc. Also quantitative approaches get increasingly important. My main research interest is the quantification of visual observations ranging from clast-size and clast-orientation analyses of cold-water coral fragments in gravity cores to intrapore space classification and quantification analysis.


Bar­tels M, Titschack J, Fahl K, Stein R, Heb­beln D (ac­cep­ted) Wahlen­bergfjord, eas­tern Sval­bard: A gla­cier-sur­roun­ded fjord re­flec­ting re­gio­nal hy­dro­gra­phic va­ria­bi­li­ty du­ring the Ho­lo­ce­ne? Bo­reas.

Titschack J, Baum D, Mats­u­yama K, Boos K, Fär­ber C, Kahl WA, Eh­rig K, Meinel D, So­ria­no C, Stock SR (2018) Am­bi­ent oc­clu­si­on – A power­ful al­go­rithm to seg­ment shell and skel­etal in­tra­po­res in com­pu­ted to­mo­gra­phy data. Com­pu­ters & Geo­sci­en­ces 115:75-87

Wiss­hak M, Titschack J, Kahl WA, Gi­rod P (2017) Clas­si­cal and new bio­ero­si­on tra­ce fos­sils in Cret­aceous belem­ni­te guards cha­rac­te­ri­sed via mi­cro-CT. Fos­sil Re­cord 20:173-199

Bar­tels M, Titschack J, Fahl K, Stein R, Sei­den­krantz MS, Hil­lai­re-Mar­cel C, Heb­beln D (2017) At­lan­tic Wa­ter ad­vec­tion vs. gla­cier dy­na­mics in nort­hern Spits­ber­gen sin­ce ear­ly de­gla­cia­ti­on. Clim Past 13:1717-1749

Titschack J, Fink HG, Baum D, Wienberg C, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2016) Mediterranean cold-water corals – an important regional carbonate factory? The Depositional Record 2: 74-96.

Baum D, Titschack J (2016) Cavity and Pore Segmentation in 3D Images with Ambient Occlusion. EuroVis 2016 - Short Papers, pp. 113-117.

Färber C, Titschack J, Schönberg CHL, Ehrig K, Boos K, Baum D, Illerhaus B, Asgaard U, Bromley RG, Freiwald A, Wisshak M (2016) Long-term macrobioerosion in the Mediterranean Sea assessed by micro-computed tomography. Biogeosciences 13: 3461-3474.

Matsuyama K, Titschack J, Baum D, Freiwald A (2015) Two new species of erect Bryozoa (Gymnolaemata: Cheilostomata) and the application of non-destructive imaging methods for quantitative taxonomy. Zootaxa 4020: 81-100.

Titschack J, Baum D, De Pol Holz R, Lopéz Correa M, Forster N, Flögel S, Hebbeln D, Freiwald A (2015) Aggradation and carbonate accumulation of Holocene Norwegian cold-water coral reefs. Sedimentology 62:1873-1898

Eisele M, Frank N, Wienberg C, Titschack J, Mienis F, Beuck L, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Hebbeln D (2014) Sedimentation patterns on a cold-water coral mound off Mauritania. eep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 99: 316-326.

CT image of cold-water coral clast in a gravity core from northern Norway
Visualisation of zooids within a bryozoan
Visualisation of microstructures and intrpores of an ophiuroid tooth
Visualisation of the intrapore system of  Dendrophyllia cornigera