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Project Dynamics of the fluid-bed interface

C. Winter, A. Bartholomä
A. Lefebvre, E. Kwoll, C. Svenson, L. Wang, V.B. Ernstsen, B.W. Flemming, D. Hebbeln

Currents, transported matter and sea bed morphology interact at a variety of temporal and spatial scales. In dependence of the sediment composition and transport characteristics and the hydrodynamic forcing, the movement of non-cohesive bed material results in different transport processes ranging from isolated motions of single particles, through the generation of ripples and dunes, to upper-stage plane beds, and even to the formation of antidunes in upper-regime supercritical flows. The transport of cohesive material, on the other hand, is a complex cycle of erosion, transport, settling, and deposition of single particles and aggregates. An exceptional condition is formed when large quantities of suspended matter settle in the benthic boundary layer to form highly concentrated nepheloid cohesive layers or even fluid mud at the bed.
This project addresses the quantification of the gouverning processes at the bed-fluid interfaces, the hydrodynamic drivers of bed instability, and significant time and length scales of pattern formation.