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ECORD Training Courses

Since 2015 this new training scheme will be carried out in context with the well-established Bremen ECORD Summer but with the emphasis on the IODP core flow experience. The new one-week ECORD training course provides a basic training with a clear focus on the IODP core flow procedures. The training will be offered to early career and established scientists from academia and industry from all over the world including non-IODP member countries, who are interested in scientific drilling, aim to participate in a drillship expedition, or appreciate high standards for all kind of coring projects.

The training takes place from Monday to Friday, usually in spring. The application deadline is usually in the beginning of January. To ensure a most effective training the maximum number of participants will be limited to 30. 

msp flyer


ECORD Training Course 2023

13 - 17 March 2023

at the MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences and the IODP Bre­men Core Re­pos­it­ory (BCR), Uni­versity of Bre­men, Ger­many.



ECORD Training Course 2019



ECORD Training Course 2018



ECORD Training Course 2017



ECORD Training Course 2016



ECORD Training Course 2015